The lady on the news said the sound that was made when a gun shot into her window was "POW". I was amazed that the old Batman and Robin show actually had it right. (Still waiting to find out where the KA-BLAM came from. . .)
The worst part of having to go back to school according to the soy sauce is having to wear underwear everyday.
Rice's Nationwide hockey team won first place in their divison (old foagie division).
There is a new principal at the elementary school that may be totally fictitious. Haven't seen hide nor hair of her. Either that, or she's heard about me LOL.
I read a jillion zillion books this summer. Sigh, very sad to see it go. Summer readin' had me a blaaaast. Summer readin' happened so faaaast. I read a book, crazy can be. ..
We have a teenager in the house, and she's only four. We have to hear song after song after song on her new Taylor Swift CD. I keep having to tell her to turn it down, no kidding. It may be because she plays her CD on the DVD player because she doesn't have a CD player. Hello Santa, my old friend.
The only way to get puppy to smile is to get him to say his code name for Lilly (the dog)
If I hear, "but wichadee likes it!" one more time I may loose my marbles.
T-dog and I are enjoying swimming at the Y on Saturday mornings. He's taken to swimming like a fish out of water :o) FOOW may be his new nick name. He is trying hard so that he can be on the YMCA swim team in the spring and has really come a long way. I look forward to our time together all week.
I am working on my bikini bod for Cancun. (not much success there LOL--but at least I am getting used seeing myself in a swimsuit without shreaking)
Puppy's first travel hockey tournament is coming up in mid-September.
Puppy is a natural at the hulahoop. Every time he does it you will hear him say his trade mark, "this is eeeeeesay" statement
Salty is also very capable on the hulahoop as well, it took her a few times to master the art, but she is a pro at swinging her hips. Shikera watch out here comes Salty.
Salty is anxiously waiting for dance classes to resume and pre-school to start.
I am loving teaching aerobics again (hint--school started) ps, my ham strings are sore
Did you know I was sick? I'm better now. It was terrible, I've never seen a human being with so much err, "drainage". It was like beam me up snotty, to warp speed. Thank goodness no one else got sick.
Unless you count Rice's "allergies" as being sick. Yes, the ever dreaded "itch spots" are back. He has been cleaning the vinyl siding and (supposedly) he's having a reaction to the oxyclean? maybe the fiberglass ladder? I know he does break out when he comes in contact with fiberglass, but its a ladder?! If he gets much worse, I'll be the one to give him a shot if he doesn't head to the dr for his beta methazone.
OHH, my fav. author is heading to town!! Yippie.
Sheesh, do they ever take after their dad. I am working on photo-shopping shirts onto the boys.
I can't spell doesn't or comming.