Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Snow is Falling the Size of Cupcakes" --Puppy

Where to start, hmmmmm, so much has happened since I've last blogged.

Well, I have to tell you, I am pretty excited about this, I found a new way to shovel the driveway. I know what you're thinking, how is it possible for there to be a new and different way to shovel snow?! But hold on to yer Grannie panties here it comes, well first I have to preface. Take a deep breath and be patient. Down the road literally and figuratively there is a man who likes to run, he likes to run in the hot, hot sun. And this is not an, "oh me, oh my, what a lot of wonderful things go by. . ." thing. He runs, all day, from here to there in none other than his underwear. Anyways, enough said about, "underwear running man". Or as Puppy likes to put it, "the man who likes to run in his undies." Back to prefacing, he was shoveling his driveway on Sunday, when we only had an inch or so of snow, with his inside/outside broom (the kind that the janitor pushed around when you were at elementary school). I was stunned into rubbernecking, I am ashamed to say.

I couldn't wait to try out this new fangled idea. So, yesterday, I figured it was time to shovel the snow off the driveway before we got seven more inches on top of the three that we already had. I used the push broom, and I have to tell you, it was pretty stinkin' fun! For all of you who have back issues and still want to be able to enjoy the pleasure of shoveling the snow, the pushing action that is utilized in this method is very gentle on the back (Not only am I the president, I'm also a client!).

So, WOW its still snowing. It was ice last night, so there is a layer of ice under the fresh snow. That is always fun for Lilly. Well, its fun for me to watch as she runs outside in the snow to find a place to squat (she loves the snow as much as I do and is in a hurry, let me tell you!--as in NOOO don't do it on the porch!). Anyways, the crunch and fall that ensues every step is funny as she looks at me like I can do something for her. Actually, Rice has dug out a spot for her before, but that's another story.

I know how much you are loving the videos and would have more, BUT my digital camcorder is on the fritz! Can you believe it? I was just singing its praises, and now, it won't turn on, well it will, but all you can see is the start up screen. No play back or visual to take new videos. We called the company and they said to take the batteries out for 48 hours, I am trying to figure out how that is going to fix it, but will keep you posted. So while we're trying to get that straightened out, you're just going to have to visualize. Work with me here!

On top of that, I know you're thinking, "What? There's more??". As we were trying to download the last of the videos from the camera, we realized that the memory in the computer is full. I don't think that has happened since 1995! (I'll have to call the Book of World Records to find out). So, Rice did a little checking and we found out this computer has exactly as much memory as his ipod. One word. SERIOUSLY?!!? For real?? How could that be??
So, we need to get one of those external dew-hickeys so I can even post the totally freaky pictures I took of all the icicles hanging down off the porch like millions of daggers.

To top it all the soy sauce (see introduction) has been running around and definitely NOT using their inside voices ever since this new snow storm started yesterday. Its like they slept in a vat of maple syrup and through osmosis (I know that only refers to water--just go with it) their bodies absorbed all the sugar and they have been on a high fructose corn syrup high ever since they woke up. The little boy that I babysit's Dad said he could pick up his little one early when he saw the state of the soy sauce this morning (it was that bad!). I think he was just kidding, but will keep the phone close by all day just in case.

Speaking of phones, Rice has a two hour delay. I didn't know that was possible for grown ups. I told him I wanted one too, but he says it doesn't work that way. He decided to stay and work from home rather than try to fight the crazy traffic (you would think the people here would know how to drive in the snow by now!). As he headed down to the basement to get started he says, "If you need me, I'll have my cell phone." Okay I have to say it again, SERIOUSLY?! Apparently he was. I can't wait to call him later and tell him his lunch is ready.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, isn't all the snow glorious?! :)
    I love it! And I can't wait to try out your neighbors method of shoveling. We have been without power all day. So not a totally fun snow day, but I'll take it. Hope dinner is as good as lunch!
